Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Esta en General Pico, Argentinaaa!!!

I made it! So the last time you heard from me i was having visa troubles =( it actually turned out to be, like friggin awesome so sorry about all the bitchin in the last blog.. jaja... I ended up staying in Miami, but i met these two guys, Tyler and Tenny, going to Ecuador with AFS. i hung out with them and my awesome AFS volunteer Belkys. She took me to Chili´s =) We all went in the pool regardless of AFS´s rules... woooops. And I left that afternoon to catch my international flight. I was a little scared to go by myself and a different volunteer dropped me off at the airport then literally left me right there haha. i was like what what what? but i found my way and got my flight on time and it was all good. then when i got on the plane to Buenos Aires, i met these two girls who told me to come sit by them. The language barrier was a little hard, but we managed. They showed me pictures and told me what the teenagers were like, it was fun. And then i had problems in customs, and i couldnt understand ANYTHING the lady was telling me, so they helped me through that, it was very nice. I then met up with AFS volunteers who were very very awesome, they bought me coffee and snacks jaja. I waited for like 2 hours in the airport with them while other afsers arrived from Germany, France, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, etc. Once the the group of Norwegians got here, we hit it off right a way. They are so funny! I couldnt remember any of their names so I call them, Lenny, Boston, Madness, J.T. Dahl, Weasel, and Nina. They gave me these little licorice candies that were nastyyyy. and they tried to teach me norwegian jaja, that was hilarious. They were all saying ¨can i have fries with thattttt?´´ making fun of my accent jaja. Then orientation!!! so much fun! we met all different ppl and had a talent show, i hung out with the norwegians the whole time jaja and met an amazing french girl named Emeline but i call her Frenchie. And i really love this one american girl named Abigail, shes so funny. But orientation was deffinately a blast. Then the tour of the city, which was fun too. When we were walking down the sidewalk this one guy was like ´look, BLONDES! pointing at me and madness, and abigail jaja. the italians were fun as well, making jokes all the time. This one, Valentino, made paper cranes and airplanes with me and frenchie. At the bus station we all waited while they called people up to catch their buses, it was sad but we know we´ll all see eachother at orientation in a couple months. Abigail was having a really really hard time, she missed her family and felt homesick so i let her use my phone really quick to talk to her mom. I had to take a bus by myself, it was ten hours =/ but i slept the whole time. i met anii and claudia at the station with their friends, i was so tired and boring though ahha. we got icecream then drove home. I haven´t really started school yet... cuz my host mom told me in very broken english, ¨ take advantage of no school´´ jjaa fine with me. I will go manana though, cuz i can only miss a certain amount of days. I did go to one class with anii, everyone was pointing at me, jesus christ it was annoying. i felt like pointing back jaja. I slept till 1pm yesterday jaja. anii was back from school and i was still in bed. oops. damn alaska to argentina time change... and last night i went to town with anii, her friend ana clara and anii´s boyfriend, Frederico. they are both so nice! they make me laugh so hard. Anii kicked Frederico in the butt, and he screamed, ¨leave alone my ass!´ jaja. And ana clara told me that if i ever needed to be sad and cry, i can come to her because she understands, becuase her dad is away for work and she knows what its like to miss someone. i was like AWWWW! it was the cutest thing ever. But all in all im having a great time, i miss everyone, but all the volunteers and returnees say wait till xmas time when you really get homesick... yikes. But i do love it here! And its amazing how much español i have learned in the four days ive been here!!!

Muchaaaaaaasssss besos!
-mariaaaa margaritaaa!

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