Saturday, October 24, 2009

Castellano, crazy host moms, and horror movie hospitals. life is good...

So I´ve been here for about two months now. Time has gone by so fast! But when I think about everything I´ve done in the past 2 months, I have kept pretty busy. From my 2 days in Miami to flying to Argentina by myself (Still, the most nerve-racking thing I´ve done!!) I have done a ton of stuff. Something else I´ve noticed is my spanish is coming along very quickly. I struggled so much that first month. Now that I look at it, I loved that first month, being the new girl, meeting new people, etc, but I would never go back! I think to myself now, how did you survive without not knowing what to say?! It´s the most frustrating thing when everyone around you is talking, and you can´t pick up one word. Now I get about 75% of it and I can put the words together, and make sense hah. But imagine my first month here, what if everyone and everything around you, including signs, billboards, magazines, television was like this: "Io asdf ou dil ól pul ñuhn girt tyn viy jnglr hslreh. Yuhnq weer poin!!! Buc qeriop oifv oiur sdklhre lhsñ." You´re thinking, what are you saying??? What does that say??? I have come such a long way since then! =D There are some downsides, for example when I try talking in english or writing in enlish, I switch over to spanish. After my year here, I wont want to speak english at all hehe. I will start a sentence in ingles que despúes estoy escribando en castellano. <---- like that =P This isn´t really important, but just so you know, argentines dont say "we speak spanish" they say "we speak castellano" (kast-uh-shan-oh, the "LL" makes a "sh" sound) Castellano is a different dialect of spanish. A mexican and argentine can still understand eachother, but its difficult with the accent, and we use different words for almost about everything. It´s like an Alaskan saying "Im from Alaska" instead of "Im from the US" haha ;)
Some pretty eventful things have happened in the past couple weeks. Ima be breakin it down in chronological orderrrr:
I went to an english class with my friend Rocío. I really loved it! Everyone was so nice and I have been bored a lot lately because my FAMILY here grrr (I discuss this later) But I stayed for about an hour and now I go twice a week, its good. The best part is that the teacher, Gaby, used to volunteer for my exchange program for 20 years!!! She actually stopped last year. I talked with here and she said if I need anything I could give her a call, she really is great. Its nice to have someone to go to that is "dependable" because my volunteer here, Susanna, is always away on trips, and not a very good volunteer if you ask me... =( But it so happens that about two weeks ago, I decided I wanted a family change. There are numerous reasons: My host mom is insane... she sings, no belches is more accurate, OPERAAA. then she grabs spoons and bangs on all the pots and pans, doing some weird ass tribal dance. my reaction, "wtf." She won´t let me do laundry but she doesnt wash any of my clothes! I said, Claudia, I have no clean pants!" and she said, "ohhh no. Ok, I wash them now" then she forgot, and I was furious. This was the first time we got in an argument. I was talking loudly, not yelling at her, and she was doing the same. She said it was difficult because she was an only parent. I said, "then why the hell would you take in another kid to watch after?!" she didn´t understand because i said this in english, but I do think I have a point. She´s always busy and the house is wayyyy out of town, like 56 blocks from anything. The house is small, the neighborhood is bad, like I dont feel comfortable walking outside. I went to a party last night at a place called Costa, and it got over at like, 6:30 this morning. Claudia was supposed to come get me but was to tired. I waited outside by myself for 45 minutes not sure what to do because the taxi numbers I had in my phone were all busy. Finally my friend Sofi drove by with her dad and asked what I was doing, I said Im really not sure what to do... she offered me a ride (thankgod) and I got home around 7:30am this morning, very tiredddd! I still have a grudge towards claudia because this is not the first time she has let me down... anyways I talked to Gaby about this, and she said it was unexceptable. She talked to the head volunteer, Carmen. She said once I find a house, I can move. I actually got a text from Gaby last night, "I have a new family" all I know is there are two sisters, Sara (16 years) and another older one. I dont know about other family members, but Im so excited to get out of this house because its really dark all the time and just plain depressing. so hopefully in 2-3 days I should be out !!!
Then yesterday, I had my first experience with a south american hospital. oh my. Im just gonna say, we are very spoiled in the usa with our healthcare, thats something I do miss. The hospital was something from the horror movies. Peeling paint on the walls, chipped floors, the floresent lights flickering in the ceiling. it was terrifying! then there was this long hallway with chairs on eitherside, all filled with sick people. they were all coughing and crying and bleeding, ahhhh =O I walked down this hallway holding my breath the entire time!!! then at the end I waited where the doctors/nurses come out of this little room and call a number. First come, first serve. After about ten minutes, a nurse said, "432" which was my number. This nurse was very mean and had cold hands, I didn´t like her. The rooms aren´t like we have in the USA. they are little green curtains that seperate everyone. they dont work worth crap, I could see the entire hallway of people. then a new nurse came in, she was much nicer and new english! which was really great, I think its important when the nurse and patient are on the same page about what is wrong. I told her I had some really bad neck pain, and since I have gotten here, I´ve been tired, always. She told me ok, then the mean nurse came in again. She said she was gonna give me a shot. I waited until I knew it was a disposable one that came out of those little packages because otherwise I would not have gotten it. It was a disposable, then she gave me a anti-inflammatory shot, ON MY BUTT. I was so nervous =/ but it was fine. The meds didn´t do anything, which kinda worries me... so im not sure what to do with the pain =(
Anyways, I cant really think of anything else... Ill try and post a blog sooner than later, but who knows (hehe..)
sorry about the awful grammar/spelling, spellcheck is in spanish :)

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