Sunday, October 4, 2009

It´s been a whileeee!

hey everyoneee! wow so I´m sorry it has been such a long time since I have written a blog. I´ve just been procrastinating and putting it off, ya know... So it has been about a month since I last wrote, a lot has happened. So I´ll start at the beginning of September:
Things stay pretty steady, I start to make close friends in school, I still don´t understand much in class. The teachers try talking to me, I pick out words and try to respond the best I can with the help of my classmates (compañeras) After school I come home, eat lunch, then take a siesta (nap) for a couple hours. The town is average sized but on weekdays there isn´t much to do. So after siesta I usually go to El Centro (the downtown) with Anii (my sister) and our friends. We hang out, go home around 10pm where we then eat dinner and go to bed.
Around the middle of September I got a cellphone. I like it because I can text people, it makes communicating better too. I have more freedom because Anii has a way to reach me now. The weekend was boring, went to a really lame concert then walked around till 4am. Went to Rocío´s house after and watched some Argentine movie with english subtitles. On monday I went to school with my phone and the numbers here aren´t in the form of ###-####. They are all different. some have four digits, some have 12, or 7, or 8, you get it. so its really difficult to remember! I sit in class because it is sooo boring, I do nothing! I write and draw, anything to keep me busy. Sometimes I copy notes in spanish from my compañeras. I have this one teacher who is so weird! She has this retainer and spits everywhere! But she came up to me in class one day and started asking me how to say animals in english. she said "cabella" I said horse. "pollo" chicken. "oso" bear. and so on. Then she asked me how to say "cabra" I told her goat. she started moving her head in a circular motion, yelling "GOOO-AT" I was like what. the. hell. At this point I feel worried because I haven´t been talking as much spanish as everyone. It seems all the other AFSers know more than me. But this is typical to feel behind, so I know I shouldn´t worry too much.
On September 26 I went to SantaRosa for the day for an AFS meeting and to see my good friend Emeline (from france). At first I thought that my host mom was gonna drive me and Anii there. But then they took me to the bus station and were like, ok wait here for the bus, have fun, bye! I was nervous becuase I had to take a but by myself, but I was fine. Once I got there, Carmen, an AFS volunteer picked me up. She didn´t know any english but I was really surprised becuase I could talk to her in spanish just fine. I understood her, vice versa. After the meeting I walked around with Emeline and it was so good to talk to her! I really love her, she´s one of the coolest people I know. She grew up in Germany but her last year her parents moved to France. She speaks german, french, english, and it took her a week to fluently understand spanish. I dont know how she does it! She loves traveling and we have so much in common, I can really be myself with her. But after hangin out I took the bus back to Pico. Things went back to normal, school got boring, hangin out with friends, that kinda thing.
On october second I went to Santa Rosa again and I stayed with Emeline for the weekend. It was really great becuase she has this big house with a maid and it was fun to have all this food made and our own bathroom and things. I just love her family! Her mom is sweet, her host sister, Lupe, is hilarious!! She´s 16 and the three of had such a great time! She has a great personality. Then theres her host dad, Eduardo. He is just as great. He taught us how to tango dance! And we were all sitting on the couch and he comes in with a mask and crazy hat and tries to scare us. It was really funny. Emeline made a whole bunch of french food for dinner the first night, yummy! It was quiche with tomatoes and cheese. We went to Pavarotti both nights (a disco/bar) so I was soooo tired! We didnt get back until 7 in the morning. Then Lupe, Eme, and me went into the kitchen and ate a whole pizza, we were so hungry haha. And her family said the whole weekend "Come back here any time! We love having you!" I was really happy becuase I was starting to get so sick of my house in Pico. Anii and me don´t get along sometimes and Claudia drives me insane as well, so I had a much needed break. I drove back to Pico with a friend of Carmen, (the afs volunteer) Susanna. She was really nice and I didnt have to pay for a bus ticket, which is good. The best thing was that before I left santarosa, Rita (Emelines host mom) told me that next weekend they are going on a road trip around La Pampa (our provence) and she invited me! I was so excited! Its about three days and I can be with Lupe and Eme! I got to Pico and told my host mom, she was very excited, all for it =) my host mom felt really bad and said "My car is broken but ill get it fixed and we can go on road trips too!" It was sweet and I think I had more respect for her. Not that I didnt have any before, she just drove me insane, but now I know she really does want me to be happy here. But school all this week, then road trip, i cant wait! Im learning more and more spanish everyday, which is exciting. Hopefully by next month I´ll be almost fluent. I met a AFSer named Agustino. He went to Austria two years ago. It was good to talk to him because he knows what Im going through and all the difficulties and everything. I was having a hard time last week, so it was good to talk to someone. But most of the time Im having a really good time here! And I found out that all the AFSers take a trip to Ushuaia, in Tierra Del Fuego. You need to look at a map at this place, its at the very south of argentina, almost touching Antarctica!! Very fun! Well I will try to write next week, or after my road trip with Eme y Lupe! chau!

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