Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fifty-eight days. Oh snappp.

Well I've been chilling on the computer for like, 3 hours now. I've been reading stuff on Argentina, myspacin, and watching music videos. "We made you" by Eminem reminds me of how disturbing Amy Winehouse really is. And Paparazzi is an amazing music video, i watched it like, fifty times (thank you katie =] )Anywayssss, after hours of being unproductive I finally picked up a calender and counted the days till my year in Argentina. 58. As stated before, oh snappp. At this point, many things are racing around in my head. Things like saying goodbye to my family, my friends, saying goodbye to my dog. Also, getting my visa here in time; will I have to miss out on orientation? And one more thing, I heard a nasty rumor that Argentina does not have rootbeer. This may be a problem. I might just have my mom freight a case of it down once a month so I'm not being deprived of my favorite artificial flavorings and high fructose corn syrup. Of course these aren't the only things buzzin around my head. There's a lot of stuff, ya know? I'm nervous. Excited. I want to know where I'm going real real bad. And keep telling myself even if I get placed on a llama farm, it's not bad, just different. I'm having a hard time picture myself leaving. Like the fact of living there is a bit... far fetched? I guess as Chazz Michael Michaels once said, "Mind-bottling, isn't it?" =) that's a friggin sweet movie if you guys havn't seen it by the way. But alrighttttyyy. Until I get an oh-so-excited update e-mail from AFS, adios.

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